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A couple of years ago, we commissioned Elise to do a series of Yoga Workshops for our successful Total Mindshift practice (now retired)
These Yoga Workshops proved to be very popular, and have stood the test of time. now we would like you to enjoy and benefit from them.
Yoga Workshop Beginners Class
What makes this beginner Yoga Workshop so good? I am a certified and experienced yoga instructor and have been teaching for over 10 years. I will guide you through everything step by step, and at a comfortable pace.
Intermediate Class
This yoga workshop is for intermediate-level students. The warm-up, standing poses, and floor work are all suitable for beginner to intermediate students. This class is also good to follow along with if you have an injury or are pregnant, but take care! Don’t overdo it.
Advanced Class
This is the third part of the yoga training. Watch the other parts before you attempt this.
Learn how to do advanced yoga moves like the headstand, forearm stand, bridge pose, and full wheel.
These are not beginner yoga moves and can be dangerous if done incorrectly. I am a certified yoga instructor with over 10 years of experience teaching yoga classes in studios and gyms. In this video, I will teach you some of the most advanced poses that you can do.
for more information on yoga, visit the British Wheel Yoga Association
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