Life Hacks 101 - The Things I Found Along the Way (and Some Horrible Truths Laid Bare)

As you go through life, you find things that make your days better and easier. Unfortunately, these hacks and tips can get lost, and nobody else benefits.

Our life hacks page changes that. It is a catalogue of some great hacks, products, ideas, and tips that you can make use of. And please join in – if you have something of use that you would like to pass on, add it in the comments or Contact Us. Click on the links for more info.


Bottled Water Could Kill You

Never leave a bottle of water in your car on a warm day – one that has been opened and drunk from. You could be seriously ill for weeks. The heat can create a breeding ground for bacteria and other microorganisms to grow in the water, making it unsafe to drink. It happened to me, and I was so violently ill I thought I was going to pop my clogs. Seriously.


Parking Ticket? Tony Will Make it Disappear

How to get out of paying a parking ticket – huge success rate by a guy called Tony. I don't know how he does it, but he does...

Click here to know more


Facebook Marketplace Scammers

More than a third of advertisers on FB marketplace are scammers. Beware if you are buying or selling anything on there. The scams are extremely sophisticated.

processed foods2

Whoa, Fat Belly, bam-ba-lam...

Do your trousers keep falling down because of your 'slight' paunch? Are you constantly hitching them up? What about going out to dinner and wanting to furtively loosen your belt a notch or two? If so, take a look at this incredible belt. No holes, so easy to tighten and loosen!

CLICK HERE to check it out to avoid further embarrassment.


Charity Fundraising Pays Fat Cats

Do you give to charities? Raise funds for them? You would be astonished at how much the big charities hold in their coffers, whilst pleading for more. Some charities have millions of pounds in their accounts. And it is staggering how much UK Charity bosses get paid. CLICK HERE We give our donations every month directly to the people who need it, bypassing fat cats and their 'charities'.


As Sick as a Dog

I used to feed my dog titbits, i.e., chicken from my lunch, etc. Every now and then, I wondered why he was becoming unwell for no apparent reason. Then I realised it was because the chicken had been cooked in things like garlic, which is highly poisonous to dogs – and cats as well.


Your Mother Was Cleopatra

..or she was a bone seller in Victorian London. Or a fierce warrior fighting alongside Boadicea... Ancestry companies profess to be able to trace your heritage through DNA testing, but the results vary with each company. (Ancestry is determined by the amount of data a conpany has at their disposal). Their results differ...


Would You Cover your Kids in Chemicals?

If you are using commercial washing detergents, you are doing just that! These detergents contain chemicals that are believed to cause skin irritation, respiratory issues, and even hormone imbalances. Also, hundreds of kids end up in A&E each year after swallowing the capsules, thinking they are sweets. Try a couple of wonderful alternatives. CLICK HERE


AI Summed up in a Sentence

"AI Won't Replace You, You Will Be Replaced By Someone Who Knows
How To Use AI Better Than You Do." 

AI is as much of a threat as smartphones, emails, social media are. Like anything, they can be used for good or bad. Funnily enough, it is easy to understand and use. Embrace change!


The Doctor Will See You - Probably Sometime

Have you tried to get an appointment with a doctor lately? Do you have something embarrassing that you do not wish to tell your doctor or have it put on your medical notes? There are several ways to overcome this: CLICK HERE to find out more

electric bike

Forget Electric Cars - Get an Electric Bike

I have an electric bike. It is a sleek Italian model who I call Bianca. Having had two major back operations I find it is a wonderful exercise to keep my legs moving, and the blood pumping. An ordinary bike is no good for me. I cycle for 6 - 10 miles at a time and can adjust the amount of power according to whether I am getting tired or not. And if you go a short distance to work every day - use an electric bike, It saves a fortune in fuel costs!


Constantly Unwell? It Could be The Water

We are told to drink plenty of water. That's good advice. But the best advice you can have is to not drink water that comes out of the tap! If you knew what was in it you would be horrified. CLICK HERE to find out more and to discover what water you should be drinking to stay healthy.

heartfelt therapy

When you Need a Friend

All of us, at some point in our lives, need help and support to get through a difficult time. We need someone to talk to -  a 'friend' or guide to help us through, to become stronger, and to cope with, or overcome the challenges that we are faced with. Try Heartfelt Services (for free) and connect with a non-judgmental, caring therapist. You will be so glad you did

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